
*Prices vary depending mainly on custom/gallery, size, medium, time, and transportation/shipping of the piece to the customer.

Custom/gallery**: Custom works will be more expensive than gallery work. We will not sell any custom item that does not make the buyer 100% satisfied.

Size: Bigger canvases or templates will be more expensive.

Medium: Oil paints will be more expensive than most other mediums. Other mediums include acrylic paints, charcoal, pencil, colored pencil, inks/dyes.

Transportation/Shipping: A base shipping cost has been applied to all works in the gallery. Custom works will have shipping included as well.

Time: Although The Works Art Studio will finish a piece as quickly as possible, some works take more time than others, and therefore more labor is incured.

**Check and cash only will be accepted for custom works. A $25.00 fee will be applied to return checks. Thank you.**

**No exact prices can be posted for custom works due to the different needs and wants of buyers. This price list is for estimation purposes only and cannot predict the actual price of a piece. Prices for Gallery pieces are posted below each work.**


Questions about Prices?

Email and in the subject window type "Question about Prices"

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